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October 2010 birth club I have used the diva cup for over a year now and it is one of the best personal decisions tiffany sale: i have ever made!I was actually sort of forced to it because i am allergic to tampons and pads.There is a bit of a learning curve to it, so don"t give up right away.Watch the video on the diva cup webside on how to insert it. (It"s not graphic, i promise).I also wear washable pantiliners just as a back-Up and even pads in the beginning when i was getting the hang of things.They are sooo much more comfy than disposables! Heather-I usually am very heavy too and on my heaviest days i have often been known to bleed Tiffany 2014 through an ultra tampon(That"s a step above super-Plus)And a pad in an hour.Even though i can"t go the full 12 hours without dumping the diva cup on those kinds of days, i still don"t have to change it as often as i did tampons.Usually i dump, rinse it in the sink and re-Insert.In general i find it less embarassing because there is no menstrual paraphanalia in the trash can.However, if you are in a public restroom where you don"t have a personal sink, you can just bring in a travel pack of wet wipes to wipe your hands off after you dump.It won"t kill you to save the thorough rinsing of the cup til you get home.You will still want to wash your hands in a sink, but hopefully you do that after you potty anyway My best advice:Make sure you squat when you are removing the cup!Embarrasing story tmi warning:I had only been using the diva cup for a couple of months and was out of state on vacation.I was at a huge outlet mall(Sans hubby and odd for a short time, thank goodness in this case).It was that above mentioned super duper heavy day, and i felt my cup getting heavy(If it"s not full i never feel it)So i decided to duck into the carter"s bathroom.Thank goodness i picked that bathroom and not the regular one, as carter"s bathroom has the sink in one room with the toilet.Because i was an idiot, and as i was removing the cup, i did not stay squatted over the toilet.The cup was overflowing so when i pulled it out it practically exploded all over the bathroom from the counter force.Grossness splashed everywhere.On the floor, on my pants.There was so much blood it looked like a crime scene, lol.I thankfully was able to rinse off Cheap Tiffany Necklaces my shorts and everything in the sink, and my shirt stayed unscathed and was a little bit long so it covered the"Wetness"Til i got to the car.But lesson learned.Always stay squatted so that what goes in the toilet, stays in the toilet.If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.Please review the privacy policy and terms of use before using this site.Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the terms of use.